In the digital era, trade secret theft and litigation is on the rise. E-mail, portable storage devices, and the cloud make it significantly easier for employees to maliciously take sensitive and proprietary company data and files. Fortunately for employers, employee data theft almost always leaves a forensic trace, and trained professionals can often detect employee misconduct and determine which proprietary files have left the company’s systems. Computer forensics are thus critical in a company’s response to suspected trade secret theft. This panel, featuring an experienced trade secrets litigator and two forensic professionals, will explore and discuss what a company should do when it suspects an active or former employee has engaged in trade secret theft.
The panelists for the CLE will be:
Lunch will be served, starting at 11:30 a.m, at The State Bar of Georgia, room 3. The substantive CLE program will begin at noon. One hour of CLE has been applied for.
Pre-register now to get a discounted rate of $0 for IP Section members and $10 for non-section members. On-site registration is $5 for IP Section members and $15 for non-section members.